On another note, the gift was very timely since my husband and I are set to fly to Boracay, and I'm gonna use my new pair of slippers. It will be my third time to set foot on the famous island of Boracay but this time, my excitement is on a higher level simply because there will be no more tiring island hopping, scary banana boat ride, and nightlong conversation with friends over cocktails and beers. This time around, it will be more of a relaxed break with my husband and a close friend. There will be more time to enjoy the beach, capture scenic views, and commune with nature.
how fitting! new havies for boracay! have fun!!
that's riht.. for something that you find impractical to buy from your own money, include it in your wishlist. that's what i do. hehe ;p
I love your Havaianas! It's really pretty naman! It's hard to find any in Malaysia though; some of them may not have that many designs like those offered in Pinas. I bought a few pairs when I was at Pinas during year 2006.
tin-tin, thanks for dropping by. cool, we have one thing in common :)
kyels, that was bought in Trinoma mall, the flip flops store really has lots of new designs. i'm quite surprised of the many patrons of havaianas, really very popular brand of rubber slippers.
i guess u enjoyed your boracay tour, eh?
Enjoy your vacations!
Boracay! Lucky you!
Those flip-flops are cute!
wow ang ganda ng havianas mo, last time i checked wala un ganyan design!
enjo your bora trip =)
tutubi, yes. i super enjoyed my bora trip.
sidney,enjoyed my trip :) thanks for finding my flip flops cute :)
pusa, thanks :) visit trimona again and check the store for new designs :)
funky & cute. makes me want to have a new pair myself = )
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